Why you should book a hot air baloon safaris

Why you should book a hot air baloon safaris

Why you should book a hot air baloon safaris
A few hundred meters below you, you might be able to see herds of wildebeest, giraffe towers, or a dazzle of zebra running across the African plains. You can almost imagine the splendor of an African hot-air balloon safari when you combine breathtaking aerial views with a spectacular sunrise.

What is it all about?
Before the sun even rises, you’ll be woken and driven to the launch site at an extremely early hour. Be sure to layer up because it may be quite chilly at this time of the morning, and it will get even colder once you are in the air. As your expert balloonist prepares for your takeoff, arrive at your balloon and observe. It’s normal to have a startle as they gas up the balloon because the noise can be pretty loud. But once you’re in the air, it’s mostly silent (apart from the odd scream of the engine), allowing you to completely absorb the marvel of serenely soaring high above the ground.

A hot-air balloon expedition typically lasts one to two hours. Watching the sun rise over the huge plains as wildlife roams is one of the most breathtaking views to behold. Once you are up high enough, the animals below become less aware of their audience. Anyone with a bad back or similar injury should check with their doctor first because returning to land can be a little bumpy. A delicious champagne breakfast will be served to you once you have returned to the ground. Isn’t that the perfect way to end off a fantastic morning in the African skies?

How does it work properly?
The weather has a huge impact on hot-air balloon expeditions. If it’s too windy or rainy, the flight will be canceled, and you can choose to get a full refund or reschedule for an other day (if possible). It is necessary to make reservations well in advance. This is not something that can be planned for the day of. It is best to let your agent know that you are interested in this fantastic experience and request that they make the reservation as long in advance as possible because it is not always available due to the reliance on the weather.

The entire experience is safe because the balloons are well-maintained and often serviced. Another thing to keep in mind is that a hot-air balloon safari can be rather expensive due to the numerous safety precautions and large team needed to make it happen. It is completely worthwhile, though, if it is within your means.

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